Page name: demon writings chp 5 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-23 05:46:27
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Chapter 5: A frozen meeting
Time: 3:57 P.M.
age: 15

I opened my eyes and strangely enough I smelled chicken. It was coming from the kitchen. I rolled off the couch and realized the chain was gone.

“What the?! Where’d it go?”

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a dream anyway. With my imagination it probably didn’t even happen, which is a relief for me. I walked into the kitchen and Utada was there cooking chicken as I thought, as well as ramen. Her dark purple hair reaches almost down to the floor in a braid and her eyes are a violet shade of crystal. She was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

She turned around sweating most likely from either the physical we, or should I say the guys that went to school took, or because she was cooking from the heat of the stove and Utada never really liked heat.

“so how was school Utada?”

She turned around and pointed a knife at me.

“school was fine, but where we’re you that you were so late that I didn’t even see you before I went to school!?” she asked.

“well what had happened was……I …..went to the bar like I said, then I got killed by some girl……yeah…..then I came back and I brought this other girl with me and-

Utada’s eyes grew narrow.

“so who is this new friend you neglected to tell me about?”

I started to question why she didn’t bother to think it was even strange that I was here after I said I was dead, but I figure it doesn’t really matter that much as long as she’s not gonna stay on my case about it

“ well I was gonna tell you that she’s kind of a ghost…….yep”

“Really? Well where is ghost girl now?” she asked.

“Right here!” I heard yai’s voice yell out from behind Utada.

Utada jumped up in surprise and began rapid firing bolts of ice at the refrigerator, freezing it to the point that it will probably be impossible to open for a few days.

“Now was that really necessary?!”

She wasn’t even listening to me anymore. I could tell by the way she hid under the table with such proficiency.

“There’s a freaking ghost in the house!!”

“Well yeah, I been watching you cook for a while now, and your really talented. When I get a new body will you teach me?” yai asked in an excited tone.

“First things first, how did you die?” her voice still had a hint of fright in it.

“well I was at a tavern, back when I was about twenty, and well you know how many weird characters are at local alcohol sources right?”.

Utada nodded in agreement.

“ok, Im there right? And this girl just goes ballistic and starts killing everything around her and she stops like ten seconds before she gets to me, almost like she came back to her senses. So she decides to go all ‘No Survivors’ on me and sticks me in a crystal for a bit over 250 years! The last thing I remember her telling me was her name was Kieta”.

The look on Utada’s face was priceless, like the best ghost story she’d ever heard.

“Ok you two just get comfy learning about each other, im going to Masaru’s to see if he made it out fine too”.

I left the kitchen and went upstairs to my room. The walls were painted black, my favorite color, and blue, my second favorite color, in a pattern similar to the anarchy symbol. Like the majority of my house, this room was no better in the cleanliness department.
My bed wasn’t really all that big, but it could pass for a queen sized I guess.

“what the hell…..”

As I got a better look at my bed I noticed something was moving around in it. I got closer and I could hear slight snoring. A blade of ice formed in my right hand and I moved in for the kill. I slashed down and who ever was in my bed caught my blade.

“what the heck?! Hey Utada! You said this place was safe enough to sleep!” I heard a familiar voice yell out.

I really do recognize this voice.

“well if it isn’t Kieta…”

Her head poked out from under the covers and she pushed my sword back.

“eh heh….how did you get out of that place?…..” she asked as if nothing was wrong.

“well…before I get into anything that you want to know, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY BED!!!”

“oh hush, I need sleep….and Utada said it would be fine since I have no place to live at the moment. And I don’t appreciate you trying to kill me, but if it would help your approach try not breathing so hard”.

“Hey you killed me first, and I didn’t even know it was you I was about to kill! But of all the dirty things, she gave you MY bed?!”

“yeah, and its really comfy too, I might not leave. And is that chicken I smell?…..and ramen too!” she said with an evil smirk, as if she were doing this strictly to test my nerves.

“whatever….its down stairs, but you are not staying here! You eat then find a house like the rest of us…..but im interested in knowing how you even met Utada.”

“well I hate long stories, so in short I enrolled in your school to see if the guy I was looking for was there…..which he wasn’t, so as I was about to leave, I saw these three girls picking on Utada, so I plucked their souls from their body and imprisoned them. After that, Utada told me all about this amazing guy she normally hung out with and how he was really smart and powerful and how he always protected her from things like bullies and stuff. Apparently that would be you so I kinda felt bad about sealing you in my crystal, but when I looked in to let you out, you and the girl I left in there were already gone”

“yeah….kinda brought her with me…..Utada wasn’t taking that too well at first but now she kinda likes having a ghost in the house….and that was pretty nice of you helping Utada out, of course you not sealing me might have helped out in the same way really, since those girls never bug her while im there…..still, it was a chance encounter so im grateful you got them out of her life”

“yes, yes, that’s very nice, now if you’ll excuse me, im hungry!” she said in an irritated tone.

Kieta flipped out of bed and ran down stairs like she hadn’t eaten in years. I guess she’s not as bad as I thought really….but if she’s real…then everything that happened yesterday must be real too….then….where’s that chain at?

I walked down stairs and out the front door without saying anything to anybody. I really need to find out if Masaru’s alright or not. As I walked down the street I noticed a man in a white uniform, the same as Kieta’s, walking in my opposite direction. His hair was a silvery white and flowed down his back and his eyes were golden color.

“hey you-”

“you have no business with me, keep on your way….” the man said in a calm voice.

“hey! You cant go around talking to people like that! I was gonna ask you a question!”

“so? Why should I care what you were going to do….”

“Because if you are who I think you are, then a girl is trying to find you”

“there is only one girl I care for, and she isn’t in this world….I left her behind to wait for me”

“Well if her names Kieta, then yes dude, she’s here”

His eyebrow raised in question almost as if he was deciding on whether to believe me or not.

“where is she…”

“ hold on, first who are you?

“that’s none of your business, just tell me where!”

“I don’t like your attitude…..she’s currently residing at my place”

“liar! Kieta would never stay with a weakling like you!”

“Say what you want, doesn’t change the truth and she’s only there because my friend invited her to stay since she had no place to go”

“…..then I’ll take her home…….if I must tell you….my name is Kumori…”

I really cant figure out what this guy’s deal is….he’s a jerk when It comes to that girl….and even more so when she’s not involved.

“ok….nice to meet you. The names Caita…”

Just then I heard another voice, it was the voice of a large burly man.

“its nice to meet alla’ya now ya gotta die…”

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2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: yay I live! and Kumori's here too! is the "burly" man Hataka?

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: no, is hataka burly?

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: kinda.

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: well for the record, its just a thug to show off kumori's power when he stomps him

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh. cools

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: and kumori's power is?

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: plants, mainly kieta's but no crystal. very good at hand to hand combate.

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: thats pretty good, but can i make up a power for him?

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: which one? (might already have it.)

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: to bond his body with material and control it

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: that's a bad thing in alot of ways though... maybe only to scare off a weak enemy?

2007-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: thats a very plesant move i just made up. it lets you fuse a part of your body with something else. for example like say he fused his hand to a brick wall then he'd be able to collapse it without making too much noise and without too much effort.

2007-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: BUT if you destroy the brick, you destroy his hand.

2007-05-04 [shadow frost wolf]: not really then the fussion breaks off is all

2007-05-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: "bond" does that mean anything in your vocabulary?

2007-05-04 [shadow frost wolf]: yeah but if you use a brick wall, which is composed of many bricks, then your really just manipulating them

2007-05-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: and I quote:

"it lets you fuse a part of your body with something else. for example like say he fused his hand to a brick wall then he'd be able to collapse it without making too much noise and without too much effort."

FUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you cannot unfuse in three seconds.

2007-05-04 [shadow frost wolf]: no, but the feeling in his hand would only be junctioned at the point where the bond was made

2007-05-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: no thanks. only for spying.

2007-05-05 [shadow frost wolf]: aw...TT.TT well ok, it seemed like a cool power to me.....

2007-05-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: It is but it has afew flaws. (better for Kieta. Uses crystal to fuse with bricks. The crystal won't break, unless you have my weakness.)

2007-05-05 [shadow frost wolf]: well since you wont tell me the weakness *shrugs*

2007-05-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: Fe Fe will use it on me when I go after Kau. (later on though.)

2007-05-05 [shadow frost wolf]: didnt you say it was a color?

2007-05-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: eight blue on the outside one white on the inside.

2007-05-05 [shadow frost wolf]: isnt that the reverse willow wisp pattern?

2007-05-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: i believe it is. I like mine better.

2007-05-06 [shadow frost wolf]: well of course, its yours. i like all my magic better than anyone elses too, especially since i made all mine up

2007-08-01 [~Spirit Fox~]: .... your really late on your stories....

2007-08-02 [shadow frost wolf]: i know, i am sooo busy lately!!! DX

2007-08-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: he he.

2007-08-02 [shadow frost wolf]: and im writing a new story with aura ^^

2007-08-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh okay. ^.^ thats cool cuase if you published this and i get the other one published.... confusion!!!

2007-08-02 [shadow frost wolf]: the one im writing with aura has more class to it ^^

2009-11-22 [shadow frost wolf]: what i might do is change the characters and format and re-do this one ^^

2010-02-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Sounds like fun, if you wanted help, I'll assist you.

2010-02-03 [shadow frost wolf]: sure, but it'd require a bit of thought. ^^

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: well yeah. For starters you'd have to tell me the main frame and where you were going with the storyline, this way Kieta wouldn't she does...XD Also, I'd probably only include Kieta, Kumori, and Nue as long as Caita were 15. (But if he's old should Kieta be?!) Anyway, this would help me test out younger Kieta, Kumori and Nue's personalities and abilities. (heh it's more for me than you know...) Also, any fight scenes you have a favor for could probably weived into SC. But if it involved my 3 they'd have to have their speech patterns altered.

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: ^.^' Okay Caita's 1509 in SC....and Kieta's 1315 when it starts....meaning....Caita's older than Kieta, Kumori, and Nue. There for if her were 15...they wouldn't be alive XD

2010-02-04 [shadow frost wolf]: that much is true I started this when i was 15, so I thinking (drinking....COOL!) though i still do, more in moderation. in SC it was basically take 15, then add 09 too it (go 09!!!)

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: So since kieta was 1315 at the start of SC and shes the youngest of my 3. do you still want to keep caita at 1509, or would you like to change his age?

2010-02-06 [shadow frost wolf]: eh, its just a fun story So we could all be about the same age ^^

2010-02-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: That would be interesting. I should pratice younger Kieta, Kumori, and Nue.

2010-02-08 [shadow frost wolf]: that and you'd get to properly meet utada XD

2010-02-09 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Utada threw me off, isn't she like Caita's "kid" figure?

2010-02-11 [shadow frost wolf]: She sorta 'forces' his parental/adult instincts out ^^

2010-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Fang/Main did that with Kieta when she was younger. Hakata did too before Fang.

2010-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: *whomever person F is....*

2010-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: Fang is in the 2nd book. Which I already starte dwritting the parts with him...

2010-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: interestiong....

2010-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: you just haven't read that far in yet.

2010-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: could you tell??? XD

2010-02-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: it was soooo oobivous! XD

2010-02-13 [shadow frost wolf]: blah, i'll get to it sooner or later XD

2010-02-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: :p

2010-02-14 [shadow frost wolf]: :b

2010-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD

2010-02-16 [shadow frost wolf]: DX

2010-02-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: ha ha Caita's whining!

2010-02-16 [shadow frost wolf]: im good at it XD

2010-02-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: I whine, when I feel like it. It's not usually because i want something, it's normally just beacuse XD

2010-02-18 [shadow frost wolf]: Whine power!!!!!

2010-02-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: I guess. XD

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